It's been a long, long time since I posted something new. I think it's been almost a year actually. Well, New Year hit and it's time for some New Year Resolutions.
Resolution Number 1 - Go back to the kitchen, explore the fascinating world of food and write a new post every week (at minimum).
So here I am, with a new recipe and I have to say it came out beautifully :)
Ingredients :
- Vegetable Stock Cube
- An Onion
- Mix of Wild Mushrooms 200g
- Double Cream
- Slightly Salted Butter
- Sunflower Oil (run out of Olive Oil)
- Sauvignon Blanc - 187ml
- Salt and Pepper
- Long Grain & Wild Rice
- Baby Spinach
- Whole Nutmeg
- Feta Cheese
First of all - Clean your kitchen ! That's what I've been doing for a few hours yesterday. Finally my kitchen is perfectly spotless ! It would be a shame if 'someone' came in and made a mess in there cooking some absolutely delicious dish... Muhahhahaha,....
Second step is to take out your big pan. Pour some sunflower oil on it and wait for it to warm up. Take out your chicken fillets and fry until both sides are a bit golden. Meanwhile boil some water in a kettle. Dissolve the veg stock cube in 190 ml of boiling water. Put the chicken fillets in a saute pan and pour the stock over them. If the stock doesn't cover the fillets add some of the boiled water. Bring to the boil, cover with a lid and simmer for around 20-25 min (until the chicken is juicy, soft and through out cooked).
Wash the pan you used before and on a low heat melt some butter (50 g). Finely dice the onion and on a medium heat simmer it until the juices come out and the onion becomes soft but doesn't change in colour. Wash the mushrooms (make sure that you don't cook them with some earth). Add the mushrooms to the onion (keep the mushrooms whole), and put up the heat. Fry/simmer (not sure what I was doing there exactly) until the mushroom soften a bit. Add the wine and boil until amount of liquid reduces by half at least (I was afraid it would boil over so I kept on stirring). If the chicken fillets are still cooking turn off the heat under the sauce at put aside for a while. When the chickens are done strain the stock into the pan with the sauce (put the fillets aside). Boil until the sauce thickens and reduces by 2/3 (keep on stirring). Pour in double cream (I had a 300 ml pot but I didn't use it all). Bring back to the boil, season with a freshly ground pepper and salt. Pour the sauce into the saute pan with chicken fillets and leave for now.
Clean the pan you used for the sauce and melt 25 g of butter. Wash the spinach, strain the water. Add the spinach to the butter and on a medium heat wait for it to wilt. Once wilted grate some nutmeg and stir. Put the heat down.
Put the kettle on and boil some water. Bring the sauce with the fillets back to the boil. Strain the rice, run it with cold water and straight after with boiled water from the kettle. Put it on a plate.Add a few pieces of feta cheese to spinach, stir it and out on a plate. Turn of the heat under the sauce. Take 2 fillets and put on top of rice, pour some sauce on top of it.
Voila ! Delicious !
I hope this recipe came out as well for you as it did for me. Bon Appetit and Happy New Year ! :)
- Butterfingered Chef