
Dinner with Grandma & Grandpa

My lovely grandparents are staying over with me and this is what we ate today (and yesterday actually as we made a lot of it). My grandma cooked broccoli and cauliflower in a boiling water so long that they became really soft. She also bought a chicken and 'kopytka' (dumplings made of mashed potatoes, flour and eggs. They're like gnocchi but Polish. Just like me !). I came home and when I saw what my grandma made I decided to put it all in a pan and cook it once more all together and give it a different shape than vegetables, chicken and 'kopytka' in its true form. A bit of salt, pepper, sesame oil and sesame seeds and that's what came out of my experiment.
It tasted good and I really liked the texture of the dish. My grandparents ate it with appetite but at first my grandpa looked at it in a way that said "I'm going to eat that just because you're my lovely grand-daughter". He also gave me an idea to decorate it with small tomatoes.

So here it is. My grandparents called it 'A Tasty Poo'.

Butterfingered Chef

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